360° Longevity Protocol

Our unique tailored approach

Your definitive wellness journey begins here

Our Clinique La Prairie’s expert protocol starts with a proprietary Longevity Index assessment, to offer you personalized plans, pioneering health and wellness solutions. Our uniquely tailored approach is the key to unlock longevity and lasting wellbeing.


Our assessment is a tailored experience designed to expertly guide you through the most appropriate therapies for your specific needs within our extensive offering. Your will receive your Longevity Index Report that diagnoses exactly what you need

Longevity Solutions

We offer a unique selection of leading technologies which help our guests reach their desired results in an expedient way. All of these technologies are available in-house at our Longevity Hubs, and our trained professionals will guide you through the treatment plan recommended by our doctors.


After every treatment or experience, our medical concierge will be on hand to assess and advise, to ensure that your plan is progressing to best effect. With the information gathered and analysed, our team of health coaches will guide you through the next steps as your health journey progresses.

The Longevity Index

Our expert-led assessment

Clinique La Prairie has designed a unique assessment, the Longevity Index, which allows insights into your health, body, mind and lifestyle.

This bespoke evaluation targets 5 mains areas : Metabolic health,  Energy, Immune health, Beauty and Detox.

With a thorough questionnaire, skin quality & face scan , heavy metals & micronutrients screening and a body composition assessment, our dedicated specialist will be able to provide your ultra-personalised plan to promote your wellbeing.

Reset Your Body

Your bespoke plan

Your ultra-personalised plan will combine cutting-edge longevity therapies, nutrition support, movement coaching as well as wellness and aesthetic treatments.

We believe health is holistic, therefore an effective and fulfilling journey should comprise a combination of testing, wellness, longevity technologies and education. In every hub, there is an IV room, cryochamber, infrared light dome therapy and neuromodulation, and a wide range of advanced treatments and coaching.

A Health Coach Dedicated To You


After your treatments or experience, your longevity expert will follow up on how you feel in order to be able to guide you towards the next steps to give your body and mind the continuous attention they deserve, recover from everyday stressors and set long-term habits and experiences that seriously fire up your wellbeing.

Be the best version of yourself

Unlock your Longevity Index and discover fundamental keys to lasting wellbeing. Step by step, unfold your potential with assessments, IV drips, cold-hot and light therapies, nutrition, brain stimulation, workout and more.

Luxuriate in a range of exclusive treatments. Our wellbeing interventions work to renew energy, promote cellular growth and give space to your brain to focus properly.

Drawing on preventive and restorative expertise, our range of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures promote beauty and anti-aging with a results-driven focus. Preserve youth. Sculpt your body. Rejuvenate skin. Boost your beauty.

Our Locations

Each Longevity Hub is designed to combine science with pioneering solutions. Discover also what additional therapies each Hub offers.


Longevity Hubs